Oral Appliance Therapy 101 Overview of Oral Appliance Therapy and the role that modern, custom-fitted, prefabricated, precisely titratable Mandibular Advancement Devices can play in a comprehensive airway/sleep practice.
SomnoGuard AP2 Fitting ReviewClinical presentation on Custom Fitting, assessing and duplicating normal occlusion, Titration process, care and use instructions to personnel performing fittings..
Titration and Care of the Somnoguard AP2Review of initial expectations for the SomnoGuard AP2 therapy as well as Titration, Care and regular use.
Prescription optionWhile most practices choose to dispense the SomnoGuard directly as a service, an emerging option and resources are available to meet patient needs in specific circumstances or as a result of limited exposure/travel due to the COVID-19 virus. You can now empower your Snoring & OSA patients to obtain the effective, efficient and more affordable therapy solution from the practice or directly from 1st Line Medical and self-administer the therapy without ever leaving their home. Simply submit an authorized Prescription Form and fax to 800-918-7860, and we will handle the process from there. You retain the patient relationship while minimizing the expense and expediting the treatment.
New Titration Process Review Document AvailableOne of the most compelling features of the SomnoGuard Oral Appliances is the ability to precisely adjust the degree of Mandibular protrusion necessary to achieve an optimal outcome while maximizing patient comfort. While some patients respond favorably to just stabilizing the anatomy, most will require some advancement of the lower tray to achieve optimal results. A review of this protocol and the rationale behind it are presented for review and inclusion in your Somnoguard Administration Manual.